Results and Accomplishments We have created a world-class geographic information system (GIS) technology data base and team of experts under the direction of the Pennsylvania GIS Consortium, a non-profit organization led by Wilkes University and King's College to promote the use of GIS in the Upper Susquehanna-Lackawanna watershed. We have received multiple national awards, including $3.4 million for this effort. We are one of only five National Spatial Data Infrastructure Sites; we have participated in the USDA Rural GIS Program for six years; and, most recently, we have commenced work in partnership with the Office of Surface Mining.
We have achieved a 439 percent leverage ratio with respect to our funding -- and have provided training to more than 120 GIS personnel employed by local municipalities, universities, and not-for-profit conservation entities. We received the Hammer Award for reinventing government in 1999 |