Results and Accomplishments The Lakeface-Lamb Land Stewardship Project involves 2,000 acres of private land and 5,200 acres of National Forest. The Priest Lake Ranger District developed the proposal in close cooperation with the communities. A broad-based stewardship committee was formed with financial backing from a non-profit organization.
The 7-year stewardship contract will employ local residents for projects such as treating noxious weeds, replacing culverts, maintaining roads, constructing and maintaining new trails, building . shing access points, thinning forests, and pruning pines. Timber revenue will be dedicated to other projects on the Forest.
The Lakeface-Lamb achievements include:
- Repaired a mile of damaged road.
- Reduced forest fuels on 8,500 acres.
- Rehabilitated trails.
- Repaired streams and removed damaged and failing culverts.
The Clearwater Stewardship Project, on the Lolo National Forest, was one of the nation’s first stewardship contracts. Its goal was to improve grizzly bear habitat, reduce sediment in streams, treat noxious weeds, and improve wildlife habitat. Activities included reducing sediment, improving water quality, reintroducing low-intensity fires to restore ecosystems, and enhancing scenic vistas.
The Clearwater project achievements include:
- Selectively cut and thinned timber on 640 acres.
- Treated 12.6 miles of roadside for noxious weeds.
- Installed 7 bridges or arch culverts.
- Retired 12.8 miles of roads.
- Reconstructed 15 miles of road.
- Graveled about 2-1/2 miles of road in 5 separate locations.
- Rerouted an existing segment of road away from a stream.