Results and Accomplishments Using a community-based approach, the City engaged a diverse range of public and private partners to help clean up contaminated property, dredge Glen Cove Creek to restore commercial access, and begin to restore more than a mile of waterfront to productive use through environmental, economic, infrastructure, and recreational improvements. Creative transportation solutions such as pedestrian and bicycle pathways, and initiatives to preserve open space, will enhance the surrounding environment.
This approach has inspired ongoing cooperation and partnership with many organizations and has been critical to the continued success of the revitalization. Waterfront development plans for Glen Cove will generate approximately $200 million in annual sales and $10 million in taxes, and will create more than 1,700 new full-time jobs. The Northern Type site is the first of the brownfields to be developed and is now home to an Environmental consulting firm. The Glen Cove Waterfront Revitalization Initiative demonstrates how multi-agency partnerships can leverage assistance, leading to better area-wide redevelopment planning. |