Results and Accomplishments
The WRAP is a voluntary organization of western states, tribes, and federal agencies which develops data, tools, and policies for states and tribes to improve visibility in parks and wilderness areas across the West. The successor to the Grand Canyon Visibility Transport Commission, it is working to implement the recommendations of that Commission.
The Partnership’s many committees and forums are researching, gathering, and sharing data on a variety of air and haze-related topics such as wind-blown dust, sulfur dioxide, ammonia, and fire emissions. Scientific findings and policy options are presented to policy makers and the public for discussion and comment. The Partnership’s committees and forums seek consensus among stakeholders, including government partners, large and small businesses, academia, environmental groups, and other public interest representatives. The WRAP is committed to bringing together all those who may contribute to or be affected by poor air quality.
The WRAP work accomplishments include:
The first comprehensive inventory of haze-causing air emissions in the West, including a comprehensive emissions tracking and forecasting system.
A voluntary, market-based program to reduce sulfur dioxide from industrial sources.
Regional air quality modeling.
Guidance for states and tribes regarding both the pollutant source types and regions that are contributing to visibility impairment in national parks and other federally-protected Class 1 areas.
Identifying and filling gaps in air quality data for tribal lands.
Developing measures to reduce the effects of prescribed fires, and developing a tracking system for fire emissions.