The preserve is home to several endangered species, including bald eagles, peregrine falcons, swallow-tailed kites and Louisiana pine snakes. Seventeen varieties of orchids grow in the Big Thicket, where magnolias can reach 80 feet high.
The Conservation Fund, Centex Homes Land Legacy Fund, Land and Water Conservation Fund
Temple-Inland Inc., National Park Service, and others.
This acquired forestland is a critical private inholding located within the preserve. The property will be transferred to the National Park Service and incorporated into the Preserve's Village Creek Corridor, Big Sandy Creek Corridor and Canyonlands Units.
The Conservation Fund also worked closely with the Big Thicket Association, U.S. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX), and the Texas congressional delegation to secure federal appropriations from the Land and Water Conservation Fund to support the protection of the property. Congress is currently considering the President’s FY06 budget, which could allocate additional funding to protect the preserve.