Results and Accomplishments • Created a $25 million Greenways endowment.
• Humbug Marsh and Island, once slated for development, are now part of the International Wildlife Refuge.
• The initiative leveraged more than $43 million, a 25:1 return on investment.
• The City of Detroit and General Motors Corporation raised more than $500 million for riverfront redevelopment, including the Detroit River Walk and Michigan’s first urban state park.
• Business leaders, environmentalists, foundations, and local citizens created partnerships for a regional system of greenway trails, with $125 million worth of trails and associated improvements constructed to date.
• BASF transformed its 1,200-acre Fighting Island from a brine-disposal site to a wildlife sanctuary, earning Wildlife Habitat Council certification.
• DTE Energy signed the first cooperative management agreement with the Refuge for 656 acres, helped champion greenways and planted more than 23 million trees.
• Ford Motor Company spent $2 billion to rebuild its Rouge Plant using “green design” principles.
• The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers donated 168 acres of coastal wetlands.
• Daimler-Chrysler Corporation contributed $1.5 million towards the acquisition of land for a Refuge Gateway and visitor center.