Resource Challenge The need for conservation education for America’s youth is a broadly held concern. Securing the future of our fish, wildlife and natural resources depends on recruiting and educating a new generation of stewards and outdoor enthusiasts who will invest their time, talent, passion and money in the conservation of the America’s fish and wildlife.
The State-Fish Art Contest is a conservation education outreach initiative that is national in scope, regional in application, and local in implementation. At the national level, partners include Wildlife Forever and the North American Fishing Club. At the regional level, partners include state agencies, state parks staff and National Wildlife Refuges that disseminate information about the contest for local implementation. At the local level, partners include public science and art teachers, home-school families, art clubs, sportsmen’s and community groups and parents.
The purpose of the State-Fish Art Contest is to create a new generation of stewards who understand local aquatic species and habitats, and to foster knowledge of local watersheds and their functions, values and vulnerabilities and their impacts on aquatic habitats across the United States. The future of cooperative conservation efforts depend upon and informed and engaged partners who possess knowledge of local resources and their values and vulnerabilities. |